19th January 2013

Mid-day Mantra: Deepa Nair Rasiya (cancelled due to adverse weather conditions)

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Accompanied by Manjeet Singh Rasiya on tabla

Event update as at 1pm, Friday 18 January 2013.

Please note that sadly, due to the widespread adverse weather conditions, this Mid-day Mantra performance has been cancelled.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause. The next Mid-day Mantra event is on Saturday 16 February

Escape the hurly-burly, as sampad and Town Hall, Symphony Hall Birmingham present outstanding Asian artists from the UK and the Indian subcontinent in relaxed, informal sessions.

Chill out, take your shoes off, close your eyes and experience the richness and variety of India’s musical heritage…

Deepa Nair Rasiya

Deepa Nair Rasiya is a London-based singer songwriter with a South Indian heritage.

She has found herself increasingly drawn to the Hindustani North Indian classical tradition and her present day style is a unique blend of the Northern and Southern approaches to vocal technique.

Deepa’s vocals have featured on numerous albums worldwide including George Harrison and Ravi Shankar’s “Chants of India” album.

For Midday Mantra, Deepa will be performing North Indian classical and folk, accompanied by Manjeet Singh Rasiya on tabla.

Presented by sampad in association with Town Hall Symphony Hall. Supported by Arts Council England