Auditor Tender

Sampad is looking to recruit a company to carry out an audit of its annual accounts. 

Sampad is aware that we do not need to have a full audit but the Board of Trustees has decided to continue to have one for the foreseeable future.

  1. Background and aims

About Sampad

Based in Birmingham since 1990, Sampad has helped to establish South Asian arts within mainstream culture in the U.K.  We aim to broaden the perception of British-Asian arts with audiences of all backgrounds and also to provide opportunities for South Asian people to explore and recognise multiple heritages. This role is vital in contemporary Britain where issues of identity dominate the social, cultural and political landscape. We work in a range of ways using the diverse artforms originating from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and we take pride with the range of intercultural work that we’re involved with.  Our work ranges from the creation of original new work in music, theatre, dance and visual arts; promotion of established and emerging talent; and advocacy, education and outreach activities. Our reputation for quality and innovation in the field has been built through enduring partnerships with leading arts organisations and with youth, community and education sectors.

Sampad is a registered charity and is governed by an independent board of trustees. Overall governance of the audit process remains the responsibility of the board. The company uses Xero as its accounts package and it would be helpful if the chosen firm has any hints etc to pass on from time to time as to how it might best be employed in the production of the draft accounts and schedules ready for the audit, and in the service of your reporting.


To carry out an efficient audit of Sampad’s accounts.

2. Budget

The tenderer’s proposed budget for the audit, at least for the 2021-22 year, must not exceed £6,000 inclusive of VAT.  We will be looking to make a relatively long term commitment and would be interested to find out from you that you can operate within this budget over the long term.

Sampad is not VAT registered.

3. Objectives and required outcomes

The final output will be the production of the audited accounts on time and with the appropriate checks and recommendations made.  This will include:

  1. Assessment of accounting policies
  2. Checking current policies and procedures
  3. Ensuring the organisation is compliant with Charity and Company Law
  4. Attendance and opinions stated at AGM meetings
  5. Stating opinions as appropriate
  6. High quality service provision

4. Specification for Auditor

The Auditor must possess and demonstrate the following knowledge, experience and skills:


  1. A strong understanding and continuously updated working knowledge of Charity Law and Company Law


  1. Experience of working with small arts based charities
  2. Experience of payroll and grants  in the funded arts sector


  1. Ability to work to deadlines and to budget
  2. Excellent communication skills
  3. Accuracy
  4. Problem solving
  5. Proactive ability to organise and plan independently

5. Timetable

The timetable for the production of the accounts is as follows:

  • 31st March                          Accounts year – end
  • 31st May                             Xero ledgers and bank reconciliations etc available
  • 15th June                            Trustee report available
  • July                                    Board to receive draft accounts
  • November                          AGM

6. Instructions to tenderer

Include in your proposal:

  • Why you want to undertake this tender
  • The steps you will take to carry out the work
  • A quotation for the service you will provide including VAT
  • Contact details of two referees
  • Any other evidence of undertaking similar audit work
  1. Please refer to our most recent set of accounts should you need to do so.
  2. Submit your proposal by  Friday 11th March  to the address below.

Proposals will be assessed against the Tender specification, looking to identify quality service provision.  The panel will also assess against value for money.

7. Submission and selection process

Scheduled presentation and interview date: Thursday 31st March at the mac/sampad offices.  This date is subject to change with advance notice.

The interview will take the form of a presentation by the tenderer demonstrating what can be offered along with questions and answers.

The interview panel will be made up of trustees and senior staff members.

Submissions to be sent by email to:  by 11th March, 2022

Should you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Sabra Khan :