12th June 2010

Mid-day Mantra: Milun

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Indo/Irish music from Milun, featuring Surmeet Singh, Chris ‘O Malley, Sam Proctor and Upneet Singh.

Indo/Irish music from Milun, featuring Surmeet Singh (sitar), Chris ‘O Malley (accordion & guitar), Sam Proctor (fiddle & bodhran) and Upneet Singh (tabla).

Together the four musician celebrate the common themes and unique aspects of both the classical and folk traditions of India and Ireland respectively. Through a deep musical conversation they have captured the haunting sounds of the Indian Alaap to the pounding energy of Irish reels on the sitar, Bodrán, tabla, fiddle and accordion and by combining the notes found in the standard minor scale in Irish Music with well-known ragas in Indian music, they exchange Traditional motifs in a ‘question and answer’ to create a new music expression that’s reflective 21st Century Britain.

Presented in association with Town Hall Symphony Hall. Supported by Arts Council England and Coutts Charitable Trust.