10th December 2011

Mid-day Mantra: Teymour Housego

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Mid-day Mantra: Teymour Housego

A free series presenting music from India to uplift the spirit on Saturday lunchtimes

Escape the hurly-burly, as once a month sampad and Town Hall, Symphony Hall present outstanding Asian artists from the UK and the Indian subcontinent in relaxed, informal sessions. Chill out, take your shoes off, close your eyes and experience the richness and variety of India’s musical heritage.

Thism onth features Teymour Housego, one of the UK’s leading multi cultural flautists.

His new album ‘Haunting Bazaar’, co-composed with the brilliant French guitarist and singer Yves Mesnil, reflects his musical journey from the sounds he grew up with as a young boy in India, through the decade he spent between London and Paris, exploring the wealth and diversity of musicians these two cities have to offer, many of whom he has brought together on this project.

sampad in association with Town Hall Symphony Hall. Supported by Arts Council England