17th August 2022

Piyar Alir Bhanga Mukh (Shattered Faces of Piyar Ali)

7:30 pm
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Piyar Alir Bhanga Mukh (Shattered Faces of Piyar Ali)

In Bengali with English subtitles

Piyar Alir Bhanga Mukh (Shattered Faces of Piyar Ali) explores a ceaseless journey of a Bangladeshi-British middle-aged man named Piyar Ali, who seeks to find himself during the 1971 genocide in Bangladesh.

The play touches on the history of pain that an individual faces due to internal colonialism and genocide, by examining the concept of the “empathetic journey,” a concept realised in Shakespeare’s play, Pericles. Thus, this play has been inspired by Pericles.

The solo performance of Tarek Chowdhury uses digital images to deconstruct Shakespeare through minimal language and creating an endless “empathetic journey,” blending South Asian story-telling techniques with the post-dramatic theatre aesthetics where a blurred world emerges at the cross-over between the physical and the digital worlds.