25th July 2010

sampad Arts Mela

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sampad Arts Mela

Celebrate our 20th birthday with a fun-filled day out for family and friends

Celebrate our 20th birthday with a fun-filled day out for family and friends.


Morning Ragas
Classical Indian music (Sanchita Pal and Carl Pebberdy)

Performance Poetry
Rohit Ballal

Book launch
Birmingham-based author Aruna Sabharwal launches her two debut books of short stories and poems

Outdoor Dance Explosion
Bollywood (Hina Dancers and Bollywood Academy)
Traditional Punjabi folk from Giddha Sansaar and Bhangra
Traditional Garba and Raas
Bharatanatayam (Chitraleka Dance Company)
Kathak (Sonia Sabri Dance Company)

Take part in the Chance to Dance challenge — learn how to dance Bollywood style and perform on stage!

Music Mania
Bhangra, hip-hop and grime (Majikul Productions)
Punjabi Women’s Folk Music (Trinjaan (The Spinning Circle) featuring Parminder Chadha)
Shimmering Tree presents Sikh Nari Manch, Kiss the Ceiling, singing intercultural global songs, and Stella Maris, a medieval music ensemble
Qawwali (Azad Kashmir Group)
SHANKOJAM! Tabla Bols, Beatbox, Piano Jams and songs from Shan Bansil and Raju Mali

Film screening
India’s Forgotten Women


Meena Bazaar
stalls with Rangoli, Jewellery, music, books, arts and crafts

South Asian food

Finish off the day with the USTAV dance and music extravaganza.