Spirit of Light

Performance in celebration of Diwali.
Touring 2024-2025

Spirit of Light is a 45 minute performance, exploring the Hindi story of Rama & Sita and the Sikh story of Bandi Chhor Divas, available to schools this Autumn. The performance features a storyteller, a dancer and a musician and is suitable for a maximum of 120 students*. There are reductions for additional performances booked on the same day.

“I loved the performances and was really impressed by the actors. I loved the intimate feeling and would really like to see Sampad back at Nishkam for more performances, workshops etc.”
(Head of Faith, Nishkam High School)

Spirit of Light trailer

1 performance: £400
(From £320 for Sampad Associate Schools)

2 performances on the same day: £725
(From £580 for Sampad Associate Schools)

3 performances on the same day: £900
(From £720 for Sampad Associate Schools)

*Number of children per performance (maximum 4 classes of 30).
*This performance is available for an audience of between 15 – 120 young people. Please note that the children sit on the floor in a horseshoe formation and the action takes place around them so a large hall will be required if there are over 100 students. Schools with large year groups may wish to book an additional performance on the same day in order for the young people to experience the piece fully – please contact us to discuss.

Please complete the booking form below, dates will be confirmed by 30th September. Please select 1st, 2nd and 3rd date preference.

Spirit Of Light Booking

Schools booking form

1st preference
2nd preference
3rd preference

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