By Naomi, Sampad Learning Officer
As the new academic year kicks off, it feels like the perfect time to celebrate the first year of Sampad Associate Schools and what an amazing year we had! There are so many things we could talk about, but I have done the difficult job of choosing five of my top moments…
- Number One kicks off with the launch of Sampad Associate Schools! We held a lovely event where teachers, supporters and friends of Sampad and of the Sampad Associate Schools journey gathered, shared stories and ate delicious cake. Talking of which, one year on maybe we ought to get a first birthday cake…
- Number Two is appropriately our two tours of My Journey, My Birmingham. This Theatre in Education piece visited four different schools across the city, supporting their ‘From City of Empire to City of Diversity’ exhibition residency. My favourite thing about supporting this piece in schools is hearing the children’s responses when they are asked how they would welcome someone new to the city today. I have to agree with the child who said “It was the best thing ever!”
- At Number Three we have the three and a half days of free lantern making workshops we were able to run in partnership with the University of Birmingham Exchange in the lead up to their Diwali ‘Ujala’ event. Schools worked with artist Benny Semp to create beautiful lanterns to decorate the Exchange building. Teachers watch this space, as Ujala is back this year, and the Exchange will need decorating once more…
- Number Four is Spirit of Light. Last year the production toured to 3 primary schools, 2 secondary schools and 1 special school, not to mention 3 secure units and a performance at Symphony Hall! We can’t wait to see where this year’s tour takes us!
- Number Five twirls in with dance workshops. One of the most popular ways in which we work with schools, it is amazing to see shy children transform and tell stories through dance. One teacher summed it up saying “[The students] felt nervous starting a new dance course but felt really good throughout the weeks.” We enabled at least 500 children to try South Asian dance this year. If that isn’t top five worthy, I don’t know what is.
It really has been an amazing year. This is just a taste of what we got up to, there is so much more I could have talked about. I wouldn’t be surprised if a Part Two blog appears!
Learn about our 2024/2025 Sampad Associate Schools offering here